Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bridal Show #1

Well, tomorrow will be my very first bridal show. I'm so excited about going! I have no idea what exactly these things are like, but it's never too soon to find out! John's sister and niece, Pam and Erin, are going with me, so that will be really nice. I was going to just go myself, but they offered to go with me, and I'd much rather go with someone than alone, so I was really happy they offered. The Pens play when the event is, but that's ok - I'm super psyched!

I also uploaded my "submission" to the "Best Job In the World" today. It's in the great barrier reefs in Australia --> My video hasn't been officially 'approved' yet, and they say it can take up to 5 days, but nonetheless, I made it and it should be appearing soon. So, yeah, vote for me if you see it ;)

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