Sunday, January 20, 2008

TDD (cont)

Well I was going to come back to my last post, to clarify that I was talking about test driven development (because I hadn't exactly done that), but it looks like Alan already figured that out. :)

I don't believe a lot of "test" code is required to start. It seems like moreso you writhe a simple test of what you would like to accomplish (ie: I want a class Monkey() to take 1 parameter of type Tail() - to start.) So you write a test for it. Then write just enough code to get that test to pass. Add more details to your test, and repeat.

As far as the test cases being completely independent of each other, I always under the impression they should be. Hence our friends SetUp() and TearDown() for each class :) TDD is certainly attainable for large projects, I just don't know if I see a huge advantage for it.

All in all I"m still up in the air about it. I have heard though that once you DO have the mindset and once you are a test driven developer, it's impossible to go back...

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