Anyhow, Canada was an interesting time. We stayed in Norland at Lake Fishog that has no public land access, yet it is a public lake. So basically, unless you have a water plane or know someone who lives on it, you probably don't want to try to include it in your future Canada travels.
So it was 8 days - of fishing, drinking beer, and "roughing it". No electricity, no running water, just camping out and getting away from everything for a while. Certainly something I didn't know what to expect going into, but had a lot of fun doing!
Anyway, bugs love me, so I was putting on lots of bug spray. The bugs didn't really "bug" (lame pun intended) John the way they did me, so he was very fortunate in that aspect.
The fishing was really good. My largest fish were a 19" large mouth and a 17" small mouth. That was a lot of fun, and something I did everyday. The weather was great. It was warm and sunny with virtually no humidity everyday. It rained once for about 5 minutes - barely enough to mention. It made boating really nice in addition to the bit I decided to sun myself. I took my DS with me, but actually didn't get a whole lot of play out of it since I found myself being much more occupied than I had anticipated (mostly with fishing). I even brought a book I was really excited to read, but barely got through the first chapter.
Oh, and I took bunches of really cool pictures! I'm thinking about just buying a domain & space to put them on. Not sure what I'll do just yet but here's one to get you started - my small mouth :)